Baklava Recipe

It is said that the origin of the baklava recipe is from Turkey. Today, everybody knows this dessert.

Baklava Recipe

Sasia: 0


  • Ingredients for the dough

  • 1 kg all purpose flour
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 glasses of tepid water
  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 cup of starch
  • Ingredients for the filling

  • 1 kg of shelled nuts
  • 500 gr of melted butter
  • Ingredients for the syrup

  • 2 kg of sugar
  • 1.7 kg of water
  • 1 lemon


  • Preparation of the dough

  • We strain the flour and we put it on the worktable. We open e little hole in the middle of the flour where we put the egg yolks, the cup of oil, the salt and the warm water. We start to compress the dough carefully. If we see it necessary, we can add again a little warm water.
  • We continue to compress the dough until we obtain a homogeneous and uniform dough.
  • We put the prepared dough in a plastic bag and we let it rest for about an hour.
  • After one hour, we take the prepared dough and we cut it in little balls. We put a little starch on the worktable and we open it carefully with a rolling pin until we obtain a thin filo. We have to be careful in order not to break or tear them. The filos must be perfect. We continue like this until we have finished the whole dough. We place the prepared filos carefully so they dry a little.
  • Putting the filos in the bake ware

  • After the filos are dried a little we take them and we place them one by one in a bake ware greased with butter.
  • We have to be careful to sprinkle each filo with butter on it and after this; we place on it one other filo. After we have placed about 6-7 filos we put a layer of the minced walnuts. We continue in this way this alternating the filos and the walnuts. In the end, we cover it with 6 – 7 filos. We grease also the top filo with butter. We cut the baklava in rhombus shaped pieces.
  • We put the bake ware with baklava in the hot oven at 100°C for about 2 hours. In the last 15 minutes of baking, we increase the oven temperature at 150°C.
  • We take the baklava out of the oven and we let it cool.
  • Preparing the syrup

  • In a deep cooking pot, we put the sugar and the water. We stir thoroughly, adding also a spoon of lemon juice, which helps the syrup not to congeal after cooling. We boil the syrup until all the sugar melts.
  • Final preparation

  • After the baklava has cooled, we pour on it the not too hot syrup. We let it soak thoroughly for some hours and after that, we serve the baklava in pieces.

Enjoy – Bon appétit!

recipe-baklava-with-filo pastry-dough-syrup

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