Mimosa Cake for Women’s Day – March 8th

Here is our favorite recipe dedicated to all the women for the March 8th! Mimosa cake is a delicious way to say to a woman how she is special: cuddle her with this dessert filled with a delicious cream.

Mimosa Cake for Women's Day - March 8th

Sasia: 0


  • 80 gr of pastry cream
  • 50 gr of pineapple
  • 1 jar of pineapple compote
  • 1 pandispan
  • 500 ml of milk cream
  • 1 small glass of Grand Marnier
  • 100 gr of powdered sugar


  • Using a big knife or other cutting tool, we cut in half the sponge cake. With a small knife, we remove carefully the inner part of the pandispan, and we keep it separately, because we will need it at the end to make the mimosa flowers.
  • We take the pastry cream and we mix it with the milk cream, which previously had beaten with 100 gr of powdered sugar. After we have mixed them thoroughly, we separate less than half of the mixture because we will need it to cover top part of the cake with it.
  • We add the chopped pineapple in the mixture and stir. Later we fill the cake with this mixture. Then we put on the cake the top part of the pandispan and we cover all the cake with the mixture that we kept separately.
  • After this, we decorate the cake carefully with the inner part of the pandispan, which we have cut in small pieces and have given them a round shape. We put the cake in the fridge for at least 3-4 hours.
  • We can serve it with fresh fruits pursuant to everyone’s desire.



1 comment
  1. ne e provuam ketë ëmbelsir dhe na pelqeu shum saqe per qdo dit e gatuajm madje faleminderit shum per shenimin se si pergaditet faleminderit <3<3

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